HUNTB-610 "The teacher will teach you anything" The strongest tutor who will raise the deviation value of study and erotic! Official memorization using boobs and buttocks! If you get it right, it's naughty...
I'm an idiot who can't memorize formulas at all. A tutor who can't stand to see me like that proposes a novel official memorization method using boobs and buttocks! Moreover, if you answer correctly, you will be rewarded with a naughty reward! Thanks to you, I can only get excited! Of course, the effect is outstanding, and just by remembering the naughty places on the teacher's body, the formula comes to mind! Furthermore, if you get a good score in the test, you will get a bonus that is too erotic! My grades are growing steadily and the erotic deviation value is also exploding! This memorization method is the best!